Profil Ormawa

Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

The English Education Student Association is a student organization that acts as a driving pillar for students in the English Education program while also serving as a platform for developing student interests within the program through organizational activities. The English Education Student Association at Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an Jawa Tengah in Wonosobo was established on May 25, 2019. The English Education Student Association has an executive board known as the Daily Executive Board, which consists of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer, supported by several departments including the Religious Department, Arts Department, Press and Journalism Department, Community Service Department, and Graphic Design Department. The English Education Student Association is a place where the enthusiasm for the English language grows, teaching potential is realized, and strong camaraderie is formed.

Susunan Pengurus dan Anggota Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2024

Ketua : Alfina Rahma Ramadhani
Wakil ketua : Azzahra Mardianti Rayhania
Sekretaris 1 : Umi Khusana Nabila
Sekretaris 2 : Irvan Ardiansyah
Bendahara 1 : Apriliana Tri Maulidina
Bendahara 2 : Rizka Ma'rifah Andriani
Co. Departemen Agama : Lutfi Hanifah
Anggota : Haefa Azizatul Azifah
Anggota : Indana Zulfani Amania
Anggota : Faza Naela Milha
Co. Departemen Seni : Kurniawan Tri Kartiwa
Anggota : Zahwa Amanda Alicenorin Tri Putri
Anggota : Ananda Nurrachmadanti
Anggota : Putra Budi Prayogo
Co. Departemen Humas : Alisya Qinthara Maharani
Anggota : Ria Fadilah
Anggota : Diona Pranata Sarim
Co. Departemen Jurnalistik : Farah Aliya Zahraa
Anggota : Dwi Afi Sholichati
Anggota : Viorena Damayanti
Co. Departemen Design Grafis : Umi Arindi
Anggota : Adi Nugroho
Anggota : Hisma Azahra